There are lots of craft ski companies. Some are big on graphics. Some are big on powder. Some make rockers. Mert Skis is big on Northeastern ski conditions which the rest of the country calls ice.
We do not make rockers. Our skis are primarily carving skis. The closest we come to a powder ski is our All Mountain Carver which is soft enough for the deep stuff, but will perform well on firm surfaces. I ski it at Alta in the deepest snow.
We do attach labels to our skis such as GS, SL, and AMC (SG and DH are coming in future years) but Mert Skis are truly custom designed. Use our calculator to determine tip and tail width from the waist, length, and turn radius. Determine which flex and torsional rigidity are right for you. We’ll build it.
Bill Merten, owner, is a mechanical engineer who has just completed his sixty-fourth year on skis. As a student at Dartmouth, he and another skier first conceived of exaggerated sidecut skis. Back then, he didn’t have the means to build them. After two years as a ski bum at Stowe, he entered the Mechanical Engineering program at the University of Vermont to acquire the skills to design skis. For various reasons, he was side tracked, but now he’s back at it.
Mert Skis are a product of Liquid Logic LLC.

Save the rockers for Grandma!